Somewhere between 10pm and 12am there is a time, a vast expanse of time, reserved solely for the use of exploiting 'YES' time. Today was a mere 73:31. Although only a sixth of the time i spend at school with these people, more is learnt in every minute of conversation than in three hours than at that ghastly educational institution. Perhaps that, because even though the call today is free, usually they are not, and such feel obliged to make use of every moment.

Hmm and to think how much money I would save if i didn't have phone. I just worked out I spend on average 20 minutes ever day on that stupid thing, and send 7.74 texts. Thats $15.93 every day. : [of course 'YES' time is a major compenent and such this figure isn't entirely correct... and i'm on a cap. so i don't actually pay that much, but just think if i was still on prepaid!]

~what am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you~
[bbzzzzz bbbbzzzz bbbzzzzzz]
{What am I supposed to say when I'm all choked up and your ok}
[bzzzz bzzzz bzzzzz]
{I'm falling to pieces, I'm falling to pi-
bzz bzzzz bz-
"Zomg... gues what....."
"so yeah anyway then i went to the....."
"oh and then..."
"wow. i never realised..."
"sif that was 20 minutes? call ya back k?"
"hey again, where was i?"
"this is last one k? Sleep is needed"
"oh by the way...."
"when did you say that?"
"oh yeah.... now i get it."
"well then he said that... and she was like."
"ZOMg 21 minutes.!"
"hmm so much for last... "
"wow, no way.."
"erm harry?.?.?"
"BAHAHAHA you did not."
" you know its 20.01"
"yeah whatevs. i didn't go over last month, therefore i should be able to go over."
"yeah well, ! its midnight!"
"haha too true, catchya tomorrow."
"nights. 06"