So today at work i got bored. And so actaully impletemented the McDonald's practise of 'small talk'. This is what I learnt.

  • The forty-something mother of three, had a busy day. She spent the majority of it at a wiggles concert, and now is on the way to calesthenics, just after her [Tall Skinny Latte] has been made.
  • The Boyfriend and Girlfriend Chocolate sundae-ers through drive-thru hate it when they don't get enough topping on their sundaes.
  • The Lady with the Qaurter no cheese, has spent the day relaxing, and couldn't be bothered making dinner.
  • The old couple quite enjoy an apple pie and seniors white coffee once in a while. They shall be back again next week.
  • The Large Crispy Deluxe with bacon meal [with a chocolate shake] man would prefer a seared patty, than wait 6 mintues.
  • The 50cent cone - Sacre Cour school girl remembers me from yesterday. She said hello to me at the station. I am now known as 'Maccas Boy' [untill she saw my name badge.]
  • The two maccas hangers bribed their friends for money, and only got enough for two cones, one with a flake. [That should be an argument and a half LOL]
  • The Large 10 nugget, big mac, mcChicken, and Fillet meal [all with coke zero], would just like to check she recieved her sauce while the drive thru beeps.
  • The Extra-topping chocolate sundae car would like the extra topping on the bottom.
  • The Two Large Bigmac meal guys find it ammusing to call me 'Harrison Ford'.
  • The two tall hazelnut latte [and occasional hotchocolate] guy doesn't want hazelnut today. Go figure. Still wants a cup tray as usual though.
  • 6 raspberry friand woman is devestated that they 'aren't fresh'. she chooses minimuffins instead.
  • Middle Aged mother can't hear me through the orderbox. She has to drive around to order. She hates it when this happens.
  • 'Medium bigmac meal, without pickles or 10:1, add mcChicken patty, with a medium chocolate shake' girl obviously worked at maccas before. Burwood east; i was right.
  • Discount required for Georgia. Her number ONE card has been renewed. She is from KEW.
  • Tall Skinny Latte with equal; Tall half strenth extra hot latte w 4 sugars; and ham and cheese toasted sandwich would appreciate it if i could bring them out to her. Guy sitting with her thanked me greatly.
  • The crispy snackwrap d/t girl likes my hair. #3 hair comment for the hour.
  • Double Cheeseburger no meat meal got no cheese as well. He doesn't mind waiting a minute for a new one.