So I might be alone in thinking this; but does anyone just absolutely love breakfast? Like I'm not talking about fancy-pants bacon and eggs or pancakes or something else utterly extravagant [because obviously pancakes beat everything], but just plain old normal cereal.

If every single variety wasn't so damn high in energy I could, and would eat it for every meal. :). Case in point; yesterday for the first time in forever I actually went grocery shopping.

Mum: Oh you need cereal yeah? grab one...
Me: ohhhh OK...... *looks around the isle for the next 10 mins trying to decide*

And you know what? I couldn't even. So we ended up getting two which I couldn't choose between. Further more, this morning feeling rather hungry after the treadmill at the gym, I once again stood staring at the choice in my kitchen; Wheatbix's, Plus with sultanas and bran, Muesli, Wheatbix berry bites. And of course, the decision eluded me, and so here I am on my second bowl of a different variety.