Posted by Harry
I'm aware that that you shouldn't compare yourself to others, and use this comparison as a judge of how successful you or they are. We don't live in an ideal life, and so I do it anyway. This next part is going to offend most of you. Stop reading now.
So these comparison's I make, usually involve several insignificant markers as a gauge to how far you've progressed through life. Things like, not having your motor-vehicle license ( through not a lack of trying, but the lack of a will to get it), or even way back when, not having ever had a job. And I think, that's why I often come across (without meaning to, but acknowledge-ably so) somewhat superior. What it comes down to, is me judging the lack of motivation to progress. To see the opportunity waiting there, and not do anything about it. Actually, I think what I'm more getting at is independence.
but hey, this is my problem, not yours. I was never one to 'wait' anyway.
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