where are you?
Posted by Harry
when it comes down to it, and life becomes just that busy and complicated, sometimes you've just got to go with it.
I am almost sorry I've been lax on the whole blogging thing lately, though in all fairness it spanned the whole spectrum of Internet paraphernalia. I guess the love-affair with the online addiction, the social medium thought to have consumed my whole reality is actually superfluous to this real world we can also exist in.
Although you could also argue that I've been absent from the real world too lately. And if you do happen to feel that way, its not something I chose. Sometimes things just need to take priority, and this month it seems to be work and uni and having enough ka-ching to be a fresh-food person, and of course that major life-goal. Not to mention tending to the sick and heart-broken. So even if you've only gotten a text or 4 from me, or an hour over breakfast early one morning, that's the best I can give for now, and just so you know, I've only seen my parents twice in the last month (even they're not immune).
like always though, I'll catch you on the flipside*. (and I do miss you)
*hopefully sometime soon.
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