A guy came up to me on the street today, gave me his business card, and said I shall could him. Turns out he was the 'Scouting Director' for some no-name modelling agency called Primodels. Yeah go on, have a laugh now.

Obviously I'm not going to pursue this particular career (though as Jas' points out, if the whole doctor thing fails, at least I have a back-up plan), but it really got me thinking. See this isn't the first time this sort of thing has happened, back in year 12, our year-book had these stupid award things, of which a select few nominated people for. Obviously I won the 'Best Ranga'  award, but I was also nominated for 'Australia's Next Top  Model', didn't win, sadly(sarcasm). The thing is though, at the time I was 95% sure those 24 people were taking the piss, like on those American movies where the 'Hot' girl chats up the geek as a laugh for all her friends. Same sorta thing yeah?

And then again, I'm 95% sure Paul from the street only gave me his card to get free advertising/interest in his business. After all he's in it to make money.

life in disarray.

cue the thinking music.
