
Jealousy- fate's fickle friend.


"have you forgotten how to fly?"

This was supposed to be the post about how much i love the football. About how the minutes of tension leading up to the first bounce, the anthem, the siren, give the sense of joy like nothing else... But now, well we're not even mentioning it.

Why do I take amusement in the most ludicrous of things? Today's chuckle moment comes as late-line-business live-crosses to a London at 11.17pm this very evening. With the courteous "welcome to late-line business"  , "Thank-you and good morning."  I have become quite amused at the oblivion to our local time.

also on the news front, WHY is it so amusing when readers stumble? Its almost as if the only reason I watch the news is so I can see Mal Walden or Helen Kapalos loose there train of thought mid-sentence.


Obviously I'm incapable of ever adequately knowing what you see in that place, and I'm beginning to realise that it may just spell the end of this. But then something tells me that's what its designed for in the first place.


Its not anyone's fault, the logical me knows that. This doesn't take away from the fact its made me really shitty presently, coincidentally after yet another 4-hour sleep day.

Its partly just bad luck, and mostly the moody state I'm in bringing this on, the logical me knows that. This doesn't take away from the fact that I am majorly fucking annoyed with the world.

I shouldn't judge these people so readily, the logical me knows that. This doesn't take away from the fact that people like you shouldn't be allowed into the members. What the fuck is the point in paying $1100 to still have to sit in front of you. We all know you were only allowed in on your guest pass because Australia feels sorry for you.

This is just life. This is fucking not fair. Nothing I ever do changes anything.