Dr. Phil; Back Stabbing Friends
Posted by Harry
what to do when your so-called 'best friend' or 'bff' does something to betray you....
gotta love Dr. Phil
Posted by Harry
Why the duck do you get to sit there and make me feel so damn inadequate. Piss off already, and get the duck out of my life.
sometimes its moments like this you need
Posted by Harry
There's something about these moments....
Maybe today it has something to do with the realisation that more often than not, its full circle. Start the day staring back at yourself, using the two minutes of brushing to think about the things ahead, the apprehension, the expectations. End the day staring back at yourself thinking about those regrets, the accomplishments, but in the end all thats really happened is time.
Just as I enjoy the slow breakfast with a friend after a big night, an ensuing silence resulting only by mutual acknowledgement that some words are best left unspoken, broken by periodic smirks as memories of preceding events resurface.
And that time somewhere between when I should have gotten up and when I did, is plain golden.
But most of all I love the hours never planned or though to have existed, when time miraculously appears and you find yourself on your best friends couch catching up on thier life. Sometimes, its moments like this you need.
Posted by Harry
Don't you just hate being wrong? More specifically the day after you've published your wrong-doing on the internet for everyone.
So it wasn't from you, and Ben's description while accurate, was quite misleading. It was however, from the mysterious ordering clerk from Flinder's lane who realised the similar credit card details and differing addresses. None-the-less the title 'to the zine giver <3' was enough to cause my brother the thinking he was.
I think, sometimes.
Posted by Harry
was what I was supposed to write several hours ago, then didn't. And now, I don't remember what I had to say, but in any event I'm almost positive it was me being me. For some strange reason, whenever I feel remotely bored/lonely and I stupidly decide to watch some unhappily ever after movie, it gets me feeling really depressed. Go figure.
Several other reasons why this was a long time coming are as follows, and strictly speaking they were supposed to appear individually, but given I'm typing this via email(on my phone) 8 hours before i'm due back at work I really couldn't care less. :P
It occured to me last thursday night whilst playing 'I've never...', a drinking game for those inexperienced, that a long standing regret(?) perhaps is no longer. That moment will always be there, but now I think about it, it shouldn't be one in the first place.
Moreover, sometimes I think you speak like you own the world, and honestly, your ignorance really suprises me, but, this is not my place to judge.
If what my brother described down the phone line is accurate( yes thats right, we're all grown up and call each other now), you're welcome. AND how'd you know it was me. AND why send it to melbourne? Don't you know i'm a country kid now? Jokes.
More importantly, this morning I read an article in The Age outlining Brumby's regional action plan, in which it detailed strategies to lure younger people away from the city, with an emphasis on regional universities. A professor from Ballarat Uni said something along the lines of 'entice them here with uni, and fix the infrastructure so they'll stay'. Two things; I fit this category, I've heard this tale before. Scary part of it all is, despite my best efforts and assurances, I can see this happening. Sorry.
You low what? I think I'm a weekday friend. I've become my own worst enemy. I am trying though. :| very trying.
On a lighter note, I'm pleased to hear that I can be also the recipient of the infamous party phone call. :) good job on growing up!
Oh and before I forget, yes I have finished exams, and yes I am going to be back in Melbourne as of tomorrow. :). In other words, don't try and cash in your rainchecks, 'cos you won't succeed.
Where does the time go?
Time, a funny concept really... I was watching The Circle the other morning when one of the home shopping opportunities came on with their 'two for ones', the steak knives, and the 60 day free trial. The general essence was if you didn't like the product they'll refund the price and etc. But surely you deserve more than a refund for investing your time in a product, something you can never get back. Just a thought.
Have a happy life until we meet again. (if we ever meet again).
Do you come here much?
Posted by Harry
have you checked behind the back of your desk? ('cos you wont find them here...)
Posted by Harry
lying here avoiding the world, trying to get the most out of the moment before the impending study forces the getting out of bed, and already you've made my day.
I'd gotten out of the wrong side of the bed without even leaving it, but I took the moment to catch up on the weekend's reading and somehow i find myself a changed person. In fact, i can't even rememberwhat the big deal was now, so i guess... Thank you.
the difference;
Posted by Harry
when they ask who are you?
we reply; I am me. [and that is always enough]
Posted by Harry
What happened since this morning?
Maybe its just the knowledge that i'll be up in 8 hours, and i still have to get back to geelong...
actually i know its not.
Posted by Harry
So heres the deal,
Someone invited me to their 18th about 6 weeks ago via facebook, to which I replied attending. Last week this person sent everyone whose coming a message of reminders and etc. Today I check the event page to see whose actually coming to find it no longer listed in my events. The link from the message they sent last week doesn't work either.
Logically I can conclude that either facebook is retarded, or the more likely option is that I've been uninvited. And its not like I can exactly ask is it? I wouldn't even care particularily, except I drove back from geelong for it, so now I'm back in Melbourne for no particular reason.
Posted by Harry
So going out in geelong?
Taxi- $15.60 from door to door
entry into the 'premier nightclub'- $6
pot of boag's- $2.50
vodka rasp.- $3.50
the cheapest night ever- priceless. :P
AND you know what, the place is actually half decent.
Is patience really all this world needs?
Posted by Jeanette
The sad thing is, there's no reason to.
The reasons all disappeared the day she woke up and realised what everyone else had been trying to tell her all along.