This is the blog post which was supposed to lament on the sorrow, and borrowed clichéd moments from days of mourning. Though despite the urge to write said post whilst sitting on that pew, listening to the preachings of the fabled afterlife hit me across the face like and angry ex-girlfriend, I thought it wise to restrain until proper dignity and etiquette left room for the much obliged. Resulting of which, this post about nothing really. Only the intent but nothing more could be remembered after the 5th cup of tea and the last tears of this day ebbed silently into the handkerchief.

There is something to consider; as a member of a stringently atheist family, my funeral or even those of my parents might be something to consider. It's all very well to go through the motions of the church service, and the psalm readings, and the hymns and rest of the churchy stuff, but when you simply don't believe, then what? The tried and tested format is wiped clean, leaving a 90 minute void to fill.

Atheist I may well be- I'm not a cynic. If JLD believed, then so will I for her for the two hours of glory she deserves as the center of the celebration. However, despite the fact I know and understand the ideologies behind the notion of spreading God's word, I can't even find the words to describe the idea of attempting to enlist me into joining such activities at my own grandmother's funeral. Boundaries surely must apply somewhere?

And in case you haven't heard yet, AND you don't want to be the hundredth relative to ask me today, yes- I like Geelong, No-  I don't really like Uni, and Yes- I did buy a Celica, and it is black. And just to be different, it surprises me too that I've managed to grow in the past seven years since seeing you. But seriously, your concern is much appreciated.

And just like that, the suits were put away, and the left-over sandwiches and slices gladwrapped and returned to the refrigerator to become the proceeding weeks lunches, it was all over, until next time. 


I still don't recall hearing the fat-lady sing.