
Hi what can I get for you? G'day how ya going? Welcome to maccas, what can I do for you? Good morning, can I help you? Hi how ya going? Whose next? Can I help anyone? Hi. 

end. fin. over. sad? yes. no. past.

I guess it'll be missed. But it really doesn't seem as bad as I thought it would. In the scheme of things, moving cities, lives, the fact HG won't 'be' any more, seems pale in comparison.

What do you say to people, when you know the moment you walk out that door, you're never going to see them again? Somehow 'have a nice life' seems inappropriate.

So as I sat in the car park for the very last time, contemplating the significance of the last ever One Six Two - OUT  the surreal moments that haunt me [and you] began.

Thank-you. For your words of encouragement, luck, general well-being for the future.

Goodbye to all the best-friends, new friends, kitch-bitches, fry-buddies, hamburglars, coffee-crew, and the people you thought were friends. The Important Three  as it was, is now two, or one, or none. [but whose keeping score?]

One-Sixth of my life has been spent there. I've watched four-hundred fresh faces pass through those four walls of that establishment [doesn't seem that many, huh], seen more than anyone gave credit for, and in the end, I'd like to think I taught them a few things.

Heck, I know its just a job, and Maccas at that, but it made me who I am. Laugh. Go on. But that was me. The only constant in my changing world.

Its been an interesting ride. I'm never going to completely forgive any of you  for making it both difficult, and something which drove me to things, but that's just part of the whole package deal I guess.

to the next chief, good luck, and I'm sorry they chose you. Unachievable expectations, social outcasting, and general ridicule come with the job-description.

Sorry about the wait. Enjoy Your meal. Have a nice night. See ya later. catchya later. Drive thru thanks. Here you go. There you are. Sorry to keep you waiting. Have a ncie day. Enjoy the rest of your day. See you next week. 
