One by one, they all shuffle off into the distance. Step after step, further away, waiting for that day, for which the return ticket will be validated. Sam, Simon, Edward, Terrance, Frank, Francis, Charlie, Marco, Requiem. The names we gave, in desperate attempts to fool ourselves into believing we have friends. The friends we used to have, once upon a time.

But when the day came and went, the crowed 'oohed' and 'ahhed', and bell tolled its final chime, that dust settled to make it known; the desolation. That lonely figure standing in the vastness of nothing, alone.

Hindsight; the all-knowing wisdom of this world. If only...

The saga began a long long time ago, in a world far far away, the troubled mind to which first bore witness, has long accepted that fate its been dealt; it's just textbook stuff- it's the A-B-C of growing up. This time will be long remembered. It has seen the end of this, and will soon see the end of the everything fighting? It's ok by me, it was a long time ago. Speeding cars. Paused games of life. Say goodnight and go? Maybe. Though we both know, that's not really good for the show.

Where are we? What the hell is going on? The dust has only just began to fall; crop circles in the carpet. Sinking feeling. This can't be happening. When busy streets; a mess with people would stop to hold their heads heavy; hide and seek.

The sweeping insensitivity of this, still alive. Blood and tears, they were here first. That you only meant well? Of course you did. Its all for the best? Of course it is. Ransom notes keep falling out my mouth, newspaper cut-outs. hide and seek. You don't care a bit.

I've been here before; I've seen this room, I've walked this floor. It's cold and its broken. Whats really going on below the surface? Now we never show that.

People change. This is me now. I wasn't going to wait for you. Deal with it me.