As, far as seasons go, why is winter always shunned?

Beside the point though, because this blog has nothing to do with that. So this is the blog I was going to write 8 days ago. But now, it doesn't seem so relevant. None-the-less, the main theme of that blog would have been the 'epic-ness' of SURGE camp [and more specifically the people there].

The existence of the higher being has however, been questioned recently. Sure, I'm completely a science and evolution kinda guy, but when your exposed to the sheer passion two-hundred people have towards someone, something, they have no clear evidence of, you do have to stop and think.

So why go?

Well I'm not sure entirely. But I know he had nothing to do with it. Ms Foo and myself have been friends now for what seems forever, yet there was this whole other side, a whole different aspect of her life i knew nothing about. And now, I have but a glimpse of that other side.

In other news; the place of learning must be returned to tomorrow. However, the work associated with returning to that place has yet to be completed. I shall deal with that hurdle when it comes. On a side note, I just remembered about Symph tomorrow morning. Pity I haven't practised in two weeks. [ironically the background music to 'Dirty Harry' the sunday night movie, is an overbreathed flute.

Actually, winter's not all that bad; quite liking the knits of this season. :P