Hmm, Well I'm not going to write everything so here are the Highlights in bite sized pieces. :) ;

- Limo.... need i say more?
- Seeing everyone actually put in an effort.
- Oh how could I forget? Felicia-formal partner. :)/:P
- India, I'm not sure what, but yes. Seeing her last night made me happy :).
- Photowhoring to the max. (once Facey decides to work, you'll see that 96.7% of the photos I took, were of me... [and usually someone else.. :P ])
- seeing people I haven't seen in ages; steff, lavinia, diana.
- Taxi Fighting. ROFL.No its MY taxi!
- ZOMG Afterparty. need I say more?
- Overage wristband = alcohol = Baileys, Smirnoff, Carton Draught, Tequila = :S / :)
- Getting drunk so I just didn't care. :P
- Sobering up enough to be able to stand + dance jump around stupidly. :P
- Randomly running into Gab and Ben from work. Gab = I haven't seen in 8 months+

- Flinders maccas + guess who + happy meals. = extra happy.
- First train home.
- Ringing dad to pick me up from the stn at the same time he normally gets up for Work.
- The morning paper beat me home, but I beat the garbage truck! :P
- Facing the decision of whether or not to actually
sleep, letting twitter decide.